Navigating the world of infant and toddler sleep can be incredibly confusing and overwhelming for parents. Not only is there is a wealth of information available to parents on what do to and what not to do when it comes to sleep, each child has their own individual sleep challenges. It is no wonder why many parents feel lost and frustrated on how to help improve their child’s sleep, which often leaves them sleep deprived and exhausted themselves.

You may be wondering what is included in a sleep plan. Before writing your sleep plan, I will work closely with your family to understand your child, their sleep pattern’s, current challenges, and their unique needs. Using this information, I will create a personalized sleep plan that aligns with your child and family goals, focusing on several key areas, ensuring a comprehensive and holistic approach.

  1. Understanding Sleep Cycles: It begins with an understanding of child sleep cycles and their influence on daytime and nighttime sleep. This can really help you better identify with your child’s sleep habits and why I am making my recommendations.

  2. Developmental Considerations: Did you know that developmental changes with your little one can impact their sleep? Most commonly referred to as a sleep regression, I will help you recognize and understand how this exciting time in your child’s growth and development can also lead to sleep disruptions.

  3. Sleep Environment: Creating an environment that is conducive to sleep is one of the best ways to lay the foundations for better sleep. And it is often the easiest step to initiate in your sleep plan too!

  4. Feeding and Nutrition: Ensuring your little one is getting enough calories during the day and at the right times can go a long way in helping them sleep better and longer!

  5. Daytime Routines: A well rested child during the day is more likely to fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer. And as your child grows and develops, the amount of sleep they need during the day changes. Whether you love a solid routine or prefer a more relaxed approach to your day, I will work with you to implement a routine that suits you and your family.

  6. Settling Techniques: Helping your child learn how to fall asleep and re-settle independently can be overwhelming. Whether you are comfortable with some level of crying or might prefer a more hands on approach, before writing your sleep plan, we will discuss the various settling techniques that may be best suited to you and your child.

  7. Nap and Nighttime Plans: This includes detailed information on how to implement your chosen settling technique as well contingency plans if things aren’t going to plan.

*  Please note that this is a guide only and your sleep plan may differ depending on your child, their age, and individual circumstances.

What’s included in a sleep plan?